Estate planning, simple or complex, is a core function of our firm, and a primary focus of the attorneys in our Poulsbo office. Our goal is to assist clients to plan their estates so that they may be settled as simply and efficiently as possible.
NO LEGALESE!! We explain estate planning to our clients in conversational terms so that they may understand their options and make the best decisions for distribution of their estate.
We believe estate plans should be simple unless there is a good reason to make them more complex. Some of our clients are concerned about federal or Washington estate taxes, while other clients are focused on protecting their children and other beneficiaries in the safest and surest way possible. Regardless of their particular situation, our clients’ wishes drive their personal estate plan.
Usually after one or two appointments where we discuss overall desires, assets, and family structure, we send draft documents to clients to review. Often one or more follow up meetings help to fully explain and focus their plan. Only when the client understands their plan and is satisfied with it do we move to execution of the documents and implementation of the plan.
Taking a holistic approach, we also advise clients how best to carry out their life care planning wishes, incorporating powers of attorney, living wills, community property agreements, and other documents which can ensure their support mechanisms for enjoyable and graceful aging are in place.
Our firm has made long term commitments to the region and will be here in the future. We have prepared more estate plans than any other lawyers in the area. We have represented multiple generations of many families and successfully planned their estates over those generations to minimize or eliminate estate taxes and transfer family legacies to younger generations. We will remain up-to-date on the applicable law and have the lawyers and staff in place to provide continuity and long-term representation to update, refine, and ultimately settle the Estates we have planned.
Call our office to set up a time to speak with one of our experienced attorneys.